Janet de Paiva has joined Team Technifex, filling the role of Project Coordinator. She is working directly with our project managers including Bill Clare and Gabriel Wilson, as well as with John Polk, our SVP/Executive Producer, supporting many of his water related projects. She is also assisting our VP of Operations, Tom Perkins, maintaining company operations related to project scheduling, documentation, and budget tracking. Though she is leaping into multiple projects at once, in various stages of production and installation globally, Janet is bringing a great deal of organization and support to each. She is adept at coordinating information and managing the details that are inherent to producing a quality project, on time and on budget. Well known in the themed entertainment industry, Janet has decades of experience in project coordination, document control, budgeting, vendor relations, and research. Her versatility makes Janet a very welcome “find” and a wonderful addition to the Technifex team.